Patrícia J. Reis Patrícia J. Reis

Odalisques #1 2008


Por la ventana … afuera (Through the window… abroad…)

Venue: Gran Canaria espacio Digital


Las Palmas, Canary Insland, Spain

Curator: Claudia Giannetti


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Odalisques #1, 2008

A monitor is installed following a photograph of a women reclining on a sofa, with her back to the viewer. The participant might move freely (all directions) the monitor in order to perceive a different image, from that in the photograph. Although the moving image that appears on the screen corresponds to the still shot, the video works as a window enabling the observer to see beyond it. By moving the monitor, the observer becomes a voyer. Brackground noise and music seem to come from a domestic environment or, who knows, from a painter studio.

Interactive visual installation composed by: Inkjet print on PVC (110x160 cm), single channel video, color, PAL, HD, 20 min, monitor 9’, computer tracking system.